Sunday, January 18, 2015

About Matt Walsh

DISCLAIMER: This is in no way directed toward any friends or family who I've seen post a plethora of Matt Walsh materials. This is not meant to offend as much as it is to inform those who I share a lot of common ground with, being conservatively-minded with economical and social issues, and the truth-bearing moral outrage behind certain social issues such as abortion and the rescinding of the traditional family and its values.

Anybody with an outspoken, socially-inclined, conservative friend has probably seen at least an inkling of the words of the blog of one man Matt Walsh. Matt Walsh is the conservative version of today's modern millennial, with the sort of qualities that the young, brash, quick-witted, and expressive conservatives have attached themselves to: scathing sarcasm and humor, an eye for liberal fallacies, strong -footed, -armed, and -headed stances on certain very important social, philosophical, economical and moral issues; and perhaps the grassroots-tinged air of the tea-party's young, restless, and conservative crowd. His blog is self-christened as "Absolute Truths (and alpaca grooming tips)". He knows his audience as much as his audience knows him.

I like some of Matt Walsh. Perhaps it's easier to say that I like Matt Walsh despite Matt Walsh. He's like Ann Coulter but more idealistic, like Fox News but more staunch and level-headed. He seems to believe in an absolute standard for morality. He has the eyes and ears and potential thoughts of many younger people in this country and thus has the pulpit of conservativism before him with many in his congregation.

I have issues with a lot of Matt Walsh though, the sort of issues that motivate and invoke a blog post that you have now wasted a couple minutes reading. And I do have issues with the apparent mentality of those who would devotedly share his material on social media, only to be reprised with an onslaught of complaints by their more liberal-leaning or disagreeable acquaintances. Perhaps a large part of the problem is that the average person in America with an opinion about anything believes that a peer's disagreement need necessarily equate to opposition to that person's thoughts and values. Matt Walsh readers and sharers have the same proclivity and are not immune but perhaps bolstered by this almost-victim mentality.

I'm going to raise up some issues that I have with Matt Walsh. I'm going to be loud and clear about them and try to provide the clarity necessary for one to understand what my issues are with Matt Walsh, and why I think that despite some of his most strongly-worded articles, he's part of a problem that he is ultimately unwilling or unwitting to fix.

Just so there is no question: I am a Protestant Christian with postmillennial-leaning theonomic eschatology who is declared under the anathema of the Roman Catholic Church, the same church that many Protestant Americans have been anathematized by, the same church that Matt Walsh belongs to and attends Mass with every Saturday (assuming he is keeping up with his religion). Despite this, I hold no ill will towards Roman Catholicism, but do believe the RCC to be under the anathema of scripture based on their extra-biblical additions to the doctrines of holy scripture and practice of sola ecclesia. I don't know if Matt Walsh is a theologian and he may or may have not done his homework. I don't know if he is ignoring the council of Trent when he refers to the American church at large with the term "Christians" or if he is saying this in full knowledge that the "Christians" in question are illegitimate according to his church's official stance on protestants and the doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone.

Like Matt Walsh, I hold deeply the sanctity of human life, the objective and immeasurable value of all human beings, I mostly prefer a conservative approach to the many social, economic, and political problems the American populace face today, and I resound with an ironic amen when he says that the Osteens are heretics. Matt Walsh is infinitely preferable to Ann Coulter and the hundreds of other conservative soothsayers that the mainstream right in America have aligned themselves with. That being said, I'd prefer no Matt Walsh to some Matt Walsh.

Here is why.

1. Matt Walsh's written logic is atrocious. When I say atrocious, I mean this: circular, fallaciously reasoned, and ignorant of raw information and data.

On his very provocatively-titled article "Black Lives Matter, So It's Time To Outlaw Abortion", He opens up with a sarcastic quip about the "alleged war being carried out against black people." Now, I'm no expert but I do know a presupposition when I see one. Matt Walsh's first instinct when facing an issue with conservatives is to oppose the liberal side, rather than to take a look at the objective facts and information.

His words are manipulative. "There are tragic accidents, mistakes, and misunderstandings -- like the poor young boy who was shot after brandishing a realistic toy gun on the playground a few weeks ago". I call BS on this wording because he does exactly what the liberal media accuses conservative media of doing. The toy gun was not realistic. Let's get over it. We have an issue with certain police officers who shoot first and ask questions later, but that's not as important to him as making a point about tragedies like this being the "exception to the rule".

His tirades against particular social issues usually come down to him presenting his reason that his opinion is better than yours, never presenting the juxtaposition with an "Absolute Truth". His attempts to make a person change their minds is to perform ad hominem and make them feel stupid. He will never truly perform ad absurdum because proving the absurdity of an issue requires an objective standard, not merely a reasonable conclusion, but he never provides an objective standard. Ultimately, Matt Walsh's ability to prove you wrong comes down to whether or not you will use the same standard he does; but he offers no reason why you should trust his standard.

2. Matt Walsh is intellectually dishonest.

Matt Walsh wants you to listen to him because he believes that he is correct. But he never provides a reason for this. Like most modern politically-conservative Christians (I venture to call him one because he appeals to Catholics and Protestants), he's content to take the standard conventions rather than stand on the objective Word of God. He believes that the war against a secularized nation takes using secularist logic. He calls himself a Christian when it is convenient to do so, and he refers to other Christians when it is convenient to do so, but he doesn't seem to apply the full counsel of scripture to the issues which he labors to write about.

It is dishonest.

It's dishonest because in the end, his view of the world is as relativistic as the liberal view is. Because he doesn't really want God in the picture, he believes he can divorce God from the social and economic conundrums we find ourselves in. It's just not possible. You can have one standard, not two. You can use the objective word of God and draw out the basis of civil law and what is good and moral and right and true, or you can use the subjective word of Modernism and draw out what common decency (which is neither common nor truly "decent") means to the average American today. You can't take both roads. You can't stand on two horses taking opposing tracks. They will meet once and then your legs will break as you attempt to stand on both until you're forced to take either the secular horse or the Christian horse. It's just that simple. Theonomy or autonomy.

Matt Walsh's appeal to the modern secularist conservative (that type of Christian who believes in Jesus Christ but also believes that you should only be a Republican in order to prove your faith -- Read: The ones who voted for Mitt Romney because somehow an apostate heretical church member seems better than the faithful member of a true Christian church) is his relative religious neutrality. But it is something that does not exist because it simply cannot. When Matt Walsh makes claims based on the grounds of common decency and not on the Word of God, he is standing on sinking sand.


3. Matt Walsh does not change anybody's mind.

He doesn't. He doesn't supply a reason for why you should believe him. The only reason you agree with him is because his conclusions are the same as yours; only his grounds are likely shakier than what you stand on, and thus when you share an article of his, you are likely to piss off your friends who can't handle his conclusions; and then your friends are likely to ignore the reasons for which you may supply your presuppositions about important issues, like abortion and black lives mattering.

He doesn't say anything a reasonable person wouldn't have already said.
He doesn't give reasons to believe what he says.

Let's take the ironic example: "Joel Osteen and his wife are heretics and that's why America loves them". I say ironic not because Matt Walsh is a heretic (he might be), but because the Roman Catholic church is scripturally apostate. There's no getting around this issue. Neither does Matt Walsh seem to get around the actual issue of the Osteen heresy (and I agree with him). Ultimately though, what I see is one member of an apostate church calling the pastors of an apostate church heretics. The people who believe that the Osteens are heretics are those who thought they were heretics before reading the article, and will continue to believe the Osteens are heretics after reading the article. Matt Walsh makes a reference to some of the scripture but never gets down into the interpretation of it. In other words, he's preaching to the choir (so to speak). Sharing this article will convince no-one that the Osteens are obvious wolves like any other prosperity teacher. It will make the sharer look like a hyper-critical jerk. Walsh believes what he thinks is true but never actually explains this presupposition. He never dissects it. And that is why he is so easily ignored.

My issues with Matt Walsh are not just logical, but theological. And my beef is less with Walsh as it is with his purported followers on facebook and twitter. His self-proclaimed Protestant followers. The people who have the greatest opportunity to present a rational and reasoned explanation backed by the objective basis of the Word of God (we call that Sola Scriptura) are letting a Catholic do their work for them, and he's not doing it well at all.

Matt Walsh is an unwitting wolf. Proverbially, he's a terrible mathematician who can do some good with addition, but cannot explain to you why the plus sign must be different from the negative sign, and conservatives are trusting him to "say it like it is". I say it like this because he comes to some right conclusions, in some terribly wrong or fallacious ways. The average millennial is seeking not just the answers but why they should believe the answers. When the average conservative shares his article, even if Matt Walsh's conclusions are correct, his logic is wrong, so the average liberal reader will immediately reject his claims.

4. Matt Walsh is unkind.

That's it. I don't mean "Matt Walsh is offensive", because of course he is offensive. It's his job. Offense is not a measure of the kindness or unkindness of a person. Rather, the kindness of a person will determine the purpose of the offense. Matt Walsh is very good at using bible verses when it is convenient, but seems to ignore all that stuff about the waywardness of the tongue in James' epistle.

Matt Walsh loves to offend people. His " the Osteens are heretics, and that's why America loves them" rings nothing but offensive. He's not rebuking the Osteens, he's attacking very mislead sheep.
When he is responded to with sarcastic attacks by liberal bloggers and readers, his response is to punch back harder, insult smarter. Matt Walsh seems very interested in protecting his intelligence, the intelligence of his readers, and the intelligence of his premises. He also seems very interested in attacking the intelligence of those who don't agree. Matt Walsh believes that his opponents are stupid and speaks of them accordingly.

Matt Walsh is a jerk. And because he is a jerk, he is unpalatable to the average liberal reader. This by no means absolves the liberal reader of their liberality, their modernism, their relativism, their belief in irresponsible self-determination. But Matt Walsh has no reason for taking offense at people who are responding to him in kind. He's a wordsmith and witty bully. But he's a bully.

Matt Walsh is a statist-leaning neocon just like most of the others out there. He's trying to attack liberal logic but he can't play the liberal game as well as a liberal can. He encourages more fear-mongering and social inconsistency. He is winning at the conservative propaganda game. He's part of the problem and not the solution.

Matt Walsh needs to convert to Protestantism and then use the standard of the Bible if he really wants to have any good meaningful impact on his readers. As long as the ground that he stands on is relativistic (and don't be fooled: it is), he will continue to lose the same culture war that Christians have been losing since we conceded the bible as the standard of truth for America. You can't beat something with nothing. You can't tell a person their sand isn't as good to stand on as your sand is. You need a solid rock and Matt Walsh hasn't started standing on Him yet, when it comes to his blog.

And that's all I have to say about that.


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